Everything done to keep the aging process under control and prevent the marks time leaves on our skin falls under the umbrella term 'Prejuvenation'. So, what can we do to preserve the quality of our skin during this process?
The most crucial step for appropriate treatment is to accurately identify the cause. Dark circles can be improved, but they may not completely fade away.
Trying a new acne treatment every week The effectiveness of acne treatment becomes evident after 6-8 weeks of use
Manage stress! Our skin is one of the first organs affected during anxiety and stress situations. While stress is a significant risk factor in skin disorders, existing skin lesions can also intensify stress, leading to a vicious cycle.
What we need to know about UVA, UVB, and UVC rays, which are the UV (Ultraviolet) rays emitted by the sun, the necessity of which for the continuity of life is unquestionable:
Pigmentation (spotted discoloration) Scarring (acne scars) Let's discuss the agents used in the treatment of these conditions that take time to completely disappear.
As I've explained before, UVA- Aging UVB-Burning are the primary responsible rays.
Points to consider in selecting sunscreen Minimum SPF30 UVA and UVB protection Water resistant / water-proof Odorless and colorless
SPF, which stands for 'Sun Protection Factor,' indicates how much the product protects the skin from sunburn. This value only represents protection against UVB rays. It doesn't indicate how well it protects against UVA rays, so the SPF value...
Each pore on our skin is an opening for a hair follicle and an oil gland. When these pores become clogged with oil, dead skin, or bacteria, acne can occur.