"Stay Away from Smoking! The dangers of smoking are countless, and it has negative cosmetic effects on your skin. Moreover, it's a significant risk factor for certain dermatological conditions!
Invest in your skin! Online marketing can make you feel like you need many products that you may not actually need.
"Eating is necessary, but eating intelligently is an art." The goal of skincare is to have healthy skin. Healthy skin doesn't necessarily mean flawless skin; it can have visible pores and imperfections.
Protecting ourselves from the sun is a must! Getting outdoor sunlight often lifts the mood for many of us. However, there are important reasons why dermatologists insist so much on sun protection.
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), also known as thrombocyte-rich plasma, is the separation of the enriched portion of growth factors from an individual's blood and injecting this valuable plasma into problematic areas (such as hair, face, skin...).
As we know, probiotics are 'live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit to the host.'
Many studies have shown a relationship between acne formation and foods, indicating that high glycemic index (rapidly increasing blood sugar levels) foods can trigger acne formation.
The most important step in acne treatment is doctor-patient communication. The healing process begins as early as 8-12 weeks. At the start of treatment, it should be understood that there might be a flare-up period, and the treatment process should be...