The most potent form of vitamin C, 'L-ascorbic acid', is as valuable and effective as it is unstable and fragile. With even a small amount of exposure to air and light, it quickly oxidizes and unfortunately loses its efficacy.
Hydroxy acids are components used in the exfoliation stage of skincare. When applied to the skin, they weaken the bonds that hold together dead cells in the top layer of the epidermis, removing dirt, waste, dead cells, and sebum from...
Mandelik Asit (Mandelic Acid) Gentlest AHA Anti-microbial Anti-inflammatory Balances sebum production
Antioxidant serums maintain skin health by providing cellular-level repair. Antioxidants obtained only through nutrition are unfortunately not sufficient for our skin.
Alpha-tocopherol, tocopherol sorbate, tocopherol acetate, tocopherol linoleate, and similar names are often found in cosmetic products.
Blackheads are formed when the oil and dead skin cells that accumulate in the pores come into contact with air, causing them to oxidize and turn black. Blackheads don't necessarily indicate that the skin is dirty.
Manage stress! Our skin is one of the first organs affected during anxiety and stress situations. While stress is a significant risk factor in skin disorders, existing skin lesions can also intensify stress, leading to a vicious cycle.
What we need to know about UVA, UVB, and UVC rays, which are the UV (Ultraviolet) rays emitted by the sun, the necessity of which for the continuity of life is unquestionable:
As I've explained before, UVA- Aging UVB-Burning are the primary responsible rays.
Points to consider in selecting sunscreen Minimum SPF30 UVA and UVB protection Water resistant / water-proof Odorless and colorless