What is Non-Comedogenic

Comedogenic refers to the likelihood of clogging pores and causing acne by blocking them. On the other hand, the term non-comedogenic is used for ingredients that are not likely to clog pores, but stating this with absolute certainty isn't entirely accurate. This is because comedogenicity...


Topical Retinoids

They are effective in both the superficial (epidermis) and deep (dermis) layers of the skin. They clean the dead cells on the epidermis through exfoliation, preventing clogged pores, blackheads, and acne formation.



Niacinamide (B3 Vitamin) Niacinamide suppresses sebum (oil) production, making it advisable for those with combination, oily, and acne-prone skin to include it in their skincare routine.


What is a Serum?

Serums are designed to repair the skin at a cellular level. They have low molecular weight and concentrated formulations. Their absorption capacity is very high, allowing them to penetrate deep layers of the skin.


What is Exfoliation?

Exfoliation is an essential part of skincare, involving the shedding and peeling of the skin's outer layer. By removing dead skin cells, the formation of blackheads, whiteheads, and the appearance of enlarged pores are reduced.


Choosing a Skin Cleanser

When we think of skincare, cleansers are certainly the first thing that comes to mind. Cleansers are the cornerstone of skincare and if we desire healthy skin, they should be an integral part of our skincare routine, both in the morning and evening.


Choosing Cosmetics During Pregnancy

Cosmetics used during pregnancy can be absorbed through the skin and potentially harm the baby, so products should be chosen carefully. Due to ethical concerns during testing in pregnant individuals, the information we have about the safety of cosmetics is based on animal studies and...



Hydroxy acids are components used in the exfoliation stage of skincare. When applied to the skin, they weaken the bonds that hold together dead cells in the top layer of the epidermis, removing dirt, waste, dead cells, and sebum from the skin and revealing the...


Stress and Skin

Manage stress! Our skin is one of the first organs affected during anxiety and stress situations. While stress is a significant risk factor in skin disorders, existing skin lesions can also intensify stress, leading to a vicious cycle.


What is SPF ( Sun Protection Factor)?

SPF, which stands for 'Sun Protection Factor,' indicates how much the product protects the skin from sunburn. This value only represents protection against UVB rays. It doesn't indicate how well it protects against UVA rays, so the SPF value isn't directly proportional to the...


Sun and Skin

Protecting ourselves from the sun is a must! Getting outdoor sunlight often lifts the mood for many of us. However, there are important reasons why dermatologists insist so much on sun protection.
